Been Too Long

What can I say? Two years have flown by and so much has changed, it would be hard to describe it all.

So, in a nutshell – for the last year have been working through classes to learn graphic design on Skillshare. Have learned how to design fabric using Procreate, Affinity Designer, and Affinity Photo. What a great experience – am so grateful to all the marvelous MARVELOUS teachers on Skillshare…

Am almost at the point now of opening a Spoonflower print on demand shop for my fabric designs. The shop is visible but nothing is for sale yet. I finally had enough uploaded that I could order the proofs that are required before anything can be offered for sale. Am so excited – I see this as nothing but fun. Not only the design process fun but perhaps being able to see the actual items people make with my fabrics will just be mind blowing! Here is a link to the shop on Spoonflower:

Hope to post here more regularly now that I have something to share :) Thanks for listening!

One thought on “Been Too Long

  1. I am very happy to see that you are still keeping your
    hands busy. I miss your tiny bears and dolls, you always amazed me with your skills in carving and your brilliant creativity.
    Take care <3

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